Upgrade your stay at Grand Hotel in Lund by reserving one of our many packaged experiences. Choose from everything between a night´s stay including a luxurious dinner to one our many wine tastings.
Rates from SEK 1,595/NIGHT. Best rate guaranteed.
Sunday - a day to sit back and relax after a long week. We want to give you the opportunity to extend the weekend with lovely Sunday…
Nordic shellfish from buffet between 19-21/9 with accommodation.
Combine golf at The National with accommodation at Grand Hotel. The golf facility is located approximately 25 minutes by car…
Student Breakfast Special student 30% discount. If you are a student with a valid student ID you are welcome to book our special student…
Combine the top-class accomodation with a two course meal from our Chef's Choice in Grand Hotel's most popular Bistro.
Keep track of our upcoming events so you won't miss anything.
First Thursday of the month means Gin & Tonic Thursday at Grand Hotel.
Welcome to dicover the classic combination of wine and cheese.
We welcome spring in Lund during the Easter weekend with an exquisite Easter menu in Grand's restaurant.